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    Sloth facts and why they are endangered
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  • Where do sloths live?
    Central and South America
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  • What do sloths eat?
    They eat mostly leaves, but some also eat small insects and lizards.
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  • Are sloths dangerous?
    Yes because they have sharp claws.
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  • How often do sloths come out of a tree?
    They come down from a tree once a week.
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  • Why are sloths endangered?
    They are endangered because of deforestation and habitat loss.
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  • What can we do to help sloths?
    We can learn about them and tell our friends and family about them. We can also recycle paper to save the trees.
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  • What is a sloths habitat?
    Sloths live in rainforest habitats..
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  • Why do sloths stay in the trees?
    They stay in the trees so they can be safe from predators.
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