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CEC G4B lesson 18 A Drop of Water

  •  English    19     Public
    A Drop of Water
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • On pages 428-429, how do the photographs relate to the title?
    Student's Answer
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  • Can you give two meanings for the word drop?
    to let something fall and a small amount
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  • Look at the second paragraph on page 430, how is the text structured?
    It is in sequence order.
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  • Look at the second paragraph on page 432. How is the text structured?
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  • On page 431 why are the photos arranged in sequence order?
    to show clearly how one drop of water moves through the glass.
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  • Use details from page 432 to describe how ice is formed.
    lose energy
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  • Restate the steps in producing steam. (last paragraph on page 433)
    should include droplets
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  • What is condensation and how does it form? p 434
    water vapor in the air comes in contact with a cool surface and condenses.
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  • Describe the experiment found on page 435.
    The drops inside the cup do not evaporate because they are not in contact with the larger mass of air.
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  • What are pollen and soot and what do they have to do with clouds? p 436
    Pollen is the yellow dust produced by flowers. Soot are tiny particles that come from a fire. They both give water molecules a place to condens
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  • Explain the experiment on page 437 in your own words.
    water condenses on the salt include more details
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  • Look at the last paragraph on page 438. What is the text structure?
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  • Describe how snowflakes are formed. p 438
    water condenses on particles in the air at very low temperatures creating ice crystals.
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  • On page 441, what adjectives does the author use that express his feelings about the snowflakes? Find at least 3
    astonishing, elaborate, unique, intricate
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  • What is dew?
    Water that condenses on surfaces outside when the air temperature drops at night.
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  • How is frost like dew?
    It is the same as dew but the temperature is much colder and it freezes instead of creating drops.
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