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Secret Stories

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  •  English    17     Public
    Letter sounds
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What letters are the super heroes of the alphabet?
    A, E, I, O, U
  •  15
  • What power do the super hero letters have, that no other letters have?
    They can SAY THEIR NAME!
  •  15
  • What super hero in disguise is in this word: tap
    Super hero A in disguise
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  • What superhero letter is being used in this word: bike
    Superhero I
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  • Where can you find Mommy E in a word?
    At the end of a word, or one letter away from another vowel
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  • Which word uses Mommy E: baker or runner?
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  • What is a babysitter vowel?
    Any vowel that's one letter away from another vowel. It tells any vowel that's one letter away so SAY IT'S NAME!
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  • Which word uses Sneaky Y: July or yellow
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  • When two vowels go walking, which one does the talking?
    The first one!
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  • Which word uses the sound a car makes when you slam on the brakes: tire or bird
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  • au - aw have a big crush on each other, and whenever they stand right next to each other in a word they get so shy. What sound do they make?
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  • What two letters look like owl eyes when they stand together? And they sound like one too!
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  • The letters ey - ay are just too cool! What sound do they make? (you can do the action too!)
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  • Tell us one word that uses "qu"
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  • Which letters like to make prank phone calls when they're together?
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  • Tell us a word that has "gh" at the beginning of the word
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