Game Preview


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  • 겨울에는 공기가 차갑습니다
    The air is cold in winter.
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  • 많은 나무들이 앙상합니다 3. Snow covers the ground.
    Many trees are bare.
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  • 눈이 땅을 덮습니다
    Snow covers the ground.
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  • . 눈이 땅을 덮습니다. ( snow / the / covers / ground )
    Snow covers the ground.
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  • 몇몇 새들은 더 따뜻한 곳을 향해 이동합니다. to / move / warmer / some birds / places ).
    Some birds move to warmer places.
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  • 흰올빼미들은 땅 위에 둥지를 만듭니다.their nests / snowy owls / build / the ground / on ).
    Snowy owls build their nests on the ground.
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  • 알들은 따뜻하고 안전합니다.( and / safe / the eggs / are / warm ).
    The eggs are safe and warm.
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  • 그 새끼 올빼미들은 한 달 동안 둥지에 머뭅니다. for a month / stay / their nests / the baby owls / in ).
    The baby owls stay in their nests for a month.
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  • 개구리들은 연못에 알들을 낳습니다.( ponds / in / lay / eggs / frogs ).
    Frogs lay eggs in ponds.
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  • 몇몇 나무들에 과일이 자라납니다. ( grow / some / trees / fruit ).
    Trees grow some fruits
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  • 곰들은 먹이를 찾아 사냥합니다. ( bears / for / food / hunt ).
    Bears hunt for food.
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  • 많은 나무들이 빨강, 노랑, 갈색으로 변합니다. ( red, yellow, / many trees / turn / and brown
    Many trees turn red , yellow , and brown.
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  • 흰올빼미들은 북극에 삽니다. ( live / snowy owls / the Arctic / in ).
    Snowy owls live in the Arctic.
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  • 상점들과 다른 많은 장소들이 있습니다. ( many other places / stores / are / there / and ).
    There are stores and many other places.
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  • 식료품점에는 각양각색의 상품들도 있습니다. ( also / different / there are / goods / at a grocery store ).
    There are also different goods at a grocery stores.
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  • 동네에 사는 것은 굉장한 일입니다! ( living / great / is / a neighborhood / in )!
    Living in a neighborhood is great!
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