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Unit 3 Lesson 2 : Climate

  •  English    21     Public
    Unit 3 Lesson 2 : Climate
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  • What is climate?
    The weather pattern in one area over a long period of time
  •  20
  • What is the name of the climate type that is hot and no rain?
    Arid (dry)
  •  15
  • A climate is an area's average temperature and __.
  •  15
  • True or False : All places on earth have four seasons.
  •  10
  • Name a place on earth that has a TROPICAL climate.
    ex.) the Amazon, Southeast Asia . . .
  •  15
  • What is earth's axis?
    The line through the center that Earth spins on
  •  20
  • True or False : Earth spins straight up and down.
  •  10
  • Earth has a __ climate if it doesn't get much sun.
  •  15
  • Name two things that affect an area's climate.
    ex.) water, elevation (land height,) mountains
  •  20
  • A big ocean can keep the area from getting too __ or too __.
    hot, cold
  •  15
  • What does "mild" mean?
    Not too hot or cold (or spicy)
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  • Because air near the water has more moisture, places near the water can get more __.
    rain / precipitation
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  • If you go high up a mountain, the temperature will be __.
  •  10
  • The side of the mountain by the ocean can get lots of __, but the other side may be dry.
  •  15
  • When moist air from the ocean goes up a mountain, it cools and forms (makes) __.
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  • What is the definition of "seasons?"
    Times of year with different weather patterns
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