Game Preview

MPAL 5 UNIT 19 Listening

  •  English    16     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is the aim of teaching listening skills?
    Our job is to help our SS to become better listeners by helping them overcome their difficulties.
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  • The book highlights the importance of teaching listening and suggests giving SS practice in sub-skills. Can you give some examples?
    Listening for gist, listening for specific information or listening for inference.
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  • Harmer suggests some effective strategies to deal with the task of listening. Can you mention them (5)?
    Think about the topic before it begins. Activate schemata/ Identify what the typical issues associated with a topic might be/ Think about what people usually sa
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  • What are some ways to encourage SS to think carefully about their listening experiences?
    Use of “Listening logs” to tell their listening experiences / Use of metacognitive processes may help Ss listen more effectively
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  • What is top down processing?
    We use "top down" to describe an approach where the students first attempt to understand the overall, general meaning of what they are listening to.
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  • What is bottom-up processing?
    bottom-up processing happens when listeners concentrate on understanding individual words as a way of understanding the whole
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  • What are some ways to approach top-down listening?
    Using prediction (Activate schemata, pre teach vocabulary, have Ss look at the questions first) Getting the general idea: First ask SS to just get the main idea
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  • Why is listening difficult for some students? Give examples.
    Processing words and sounds may be difficult at lower levels Difficulty in understanding may be due to the fact that speakers use features SS are not aware of.
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  • What are some bottom-up strategies? Explain
    Dictation/Micro Listening/ Audio “concordances”and other helpful recording/Narrow listening/Transcripts
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  • What is dictogloss?
    It's a classroom dictation activity where learners are required to reconstruct a short text by listening and noting down key words.
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  • What do students need to do if they want to get better at listening?
    They'll need to listen to a lot of texts on their own. Extensive listening.
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  • What are some ways to keep students motivated to continue listeing?
    Ask Ss to fill in report forms/ list the topic/assess the level of complexity/summarise the contents/write comments/keep a listening log/ Read the transcript
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  • Can you give examples of live listening? Explain each of them.
    Reading aloud, story telling, interviews
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  • What are some advantages and disadvantages of pre-recorded audio?
    Adv (Different voices/availability, repetition, specially-produced materials/transcripts). DISADV (Acoustics, all together, interactions, unnatural
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  • Sometimes all the students have to listen at the speed of the audio. What are some things we can do to alleviate that problem?
    *Students control stop and start *Students have access to different machines
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  • What are some advantages of using film and video in class?
    * They get to see "language in use" (e.g: paralinguistic features: Expression "I don't Know" matches facial expression/gestures
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