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  •  English    11     Public
    past simple
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is Past Simple? Speak about its translation and use.
    Простое прошедшее время, 3 варианта использования
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  • What shoud you know about Past Simple?
    Рассказываем о ключевых моментах в Past Simple
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  • What are markers of Past Simple?
    Рассказываем о маркерах простого прошедшего времени
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  • Name 3 forms of the irregular verbs: to be, to have. Spell them.
    to be - was /were - been, to have - had - had
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  • Name 3 forms of the irregular vers: идти, проходить, бежать. Spell them.
    to go - went -gone, to come - came - come, to run - ran -run
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  • Name 3 synonyms for the word : to say. Name and spell the forms of all the irregular verbs.
    To say - said - said, to tell - told -told, to speak - spoke - spoken, to talk.
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  • Name the antonyms and spell their 3 forms: брать - давать, приезжать - уезжать, сидеть - стоять.
    to take - took -taken/ to give - gave -given, to come - came -come/ to leave -left - left, to sit - sit - sit / to stand - stood - stood
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  • Translate the words, name their 3 forms and spell them: видеть, слышать, знать.
    to see - saw - seen, to hear - heard - heard, to know - knew - known
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  • To bring - ? -? , to become - ? -?, to hit - ? - ?, to put - ? - ? Spell, please.
    to bring - brought -brought, to become - became - become, to hit - hit - hit, to put- put - put
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  • Translate into English: Он катался на велосипеде вчера. Make up a general and a special question to this sentence.
    He rode a bike yesterday. Did he ride a bike yesterday? When did he ride a bike?
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  • Translate into English, using to get out of : Анни вышла из машины. Make up a general question and answers to it.
    Annie got out of the car. Did Annie get out of the car? Yes, she did. No, she didn't.
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