Game Preview

Social Skills Group

  •  English    24     Public
    Review of social skills from the past year.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Give someone a compliment
    Correct! Great Job!
  •  15
  • What does inferencing mean?
    What you already know + clues(what you see/hear/feel/smell/taste, etc). An educated guess.
  •  15
  • What is the name of this character? What movie is she from?
    Joy from "Inside Out"
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  • When I become upset, what are things I can do?
    Take a break, take a deep breath, count to 10, take a walk, talk to someone about your feelings...
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  • Who is this?
    Nick Jonas
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  • You are walking through the door to the school, and you notice someone is walking in right after you. What do you do to be polite?
    Hold the door, say "good morning" or "hello"
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  • You are doing some work at your desk, and you are having trouble figuring out what to do next. What do you do or say?
    Ask a teacher for help...I need help with...
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  • Your teacher is at the board, teaching a math lesson. You don't feel like listening right now, so you stand up and walk out of the classroom. Expected or unexpected behavior?
    Unexpected. (explain why)
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  • You are eating lunch at your desk, and you spill your drink all over the desk, the floor, and yourself. What should you do?
    Ask a teacher for help. Help clean it up. Change your clothes.
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  • You started a new painting project in art class. When you show your teacher, she says, "That looks great! You might want to add another color to make it look even more bright and cheerful!" This is an example of....
    Constructive criticism.
  •  15
  • How is this person feeling in the picture? Why?
    multiple answers
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  • In the morning when you arrive at school, a friend in class says "hello". You say "hi, how are you?" back to your friend. Your friend says, "I'm having a rough morning." What do you say next?
    What's wrong? (What happened? Did something happen? Is everything ok?)
  •  15
  • This is an example of someone who is being.....
  •  15
  • What does it mean to be considerate?
    To think about the needs/wants of others.
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  • Charades! Choose a card or a situation and act it out.
    Chooses a card and acts out appropriately.
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  • You are feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. You need to take a ____. What should you do?
    Tell your teacher, "I need a break". If he/she accepts, you may go to take a break or to take a walk.
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