Game Preview


  •  English    25     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • We use the Present Simple to talk about ...
    habits/routines ; for things that are always true and for describing a state
  •  15
  • What is the meaning of 'look up to' ?
    have a great deal of respect for someone
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  • We use the Present Continuous for...
    things that are happening now, at this moment and temporary situations that are happening around now
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  • We use the Past Simple for ...
    completed actions or states which happened in a finished period of time in the past. There is no connection to now.
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  • We use the Present Perfect Simple for...
    to talk about completed actions which happened in an unfinished period of time that is connected to now
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  • upbeat person is one who is...
    cheerful, optimistic, energetic
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  • enormous is a synonym for..
    huge, gigantic
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  • far - comparative - superlative?
    far- farther(than) - (the) farthest
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  • dangerous - comparative - superlative ?
    more dangerous - the most dangerous
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  • Question tag - They are German, ...?
    aren't they?
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  • Question tag - He went to school, ...?
    didn't he ?
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  • Question tag - She doesn't drink alcohol, ...?
    does she?
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  • The modal verb of prohibition is...
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  • A charming person is one who is...
    very pleasant or attractive, liked by others
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  • A egotistical person is one who is...?
    absorbed in oneself; self-centred
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  • What is the difference between a coin and a note? (money)
    coin - metal ; note - paper
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