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MPYL3 Considetations for teaching writing

  •  English    14     Public
    What is writing
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Cn you give some  reasons why writing is the most neglected skill in EYL?
    Possible reasons: Time, number of students, misconceptions about writing for children
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  • TRUE OR FALSE? "Writing for children should be seen primarily as a means of self- expression, with a focus on meaning, or as a means of reinforcing oral language development"
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  • Children don't need to engage in creative writing.
    False. Children need both controlled practice (e.g. : fill in a blank) and creative writing
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  • What does the acronym FAT-P stand for?
    Form, Audience, Topic, Purpose
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  • What are the two major approaches to teaching writing?
    1) A product-based approach 2) A process-based approach
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  • This approach focuses on accuracy, providing controlled or guided activities to help chidren learn the basics of writing, working on spelling, grammar, and mechanics in a bottom.up fashion...
    a product-based approach
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  • This approach focuses on the final product.
    A product-based approach
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  • This approach focuses on the process of writing
    A process-based approach.
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  • This approach focuses on Fluency, encouraging children to write and express themselves freely, without too much worry about spelling, grammar, or punctuation until the final stage of the process
    process-based approach
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  • Mention the 3 types of writing activities of the product-based approach
    Controlled, guided and free activities.
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  • What's the goal of controlled writing activities?
    To have students practice writing the language with careful control (gap fill, change the tense)
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  • The goal guided writing is...
    to help learners experience success while they also learn the relationship between their ideas, words, and writing.
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  • The stages of Writing Workshop are.....
    Brainstorming-drafting - peer reviewing and conferencing- revising- reviewing and conferencing- editing- publishing.
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  • In order to be effective peer reviewers, what form can they use? Explain
    The Praise- Question- Polish form
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