Game Preview


  •  English    25     Public
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  • Victor and Vivian are rivals. Both vow to love Eve forever. But Eve is very vain, Vivienne is vivacious and full of verve. 
    ˈvɪktər ænd ˈvɪviən ɑr ˈraɪvəlz. boʊθ vaʊ tu lʌv iv fəˈrɛvər. bʌt iv ɪz ˈvɛri veɪn, ˈvɪviən ɪz vəˈveɪʃəs ænd fʊl ʌv vɜrv. 
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  • Thea's throat and threaten to throttle her. He throws one thug to earth with a thud that shakes his teeth. Both the other thieves run off with a filthy oath.
    ˈθiəz θroʊt ænd ˈθrɛtən tu ˈθrɑtəl hɜr. hi θroʊz wʌn θʌg tu ɜrθ wɪð ə θʌd ðæt ʃeɪks hɪz tiθ. boʊθ ði ˈʌðər θivz rʌn ɔf wɪð ə ˈfɪlθi oʊθ.
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  • The rough tough ruffians make fierce faces to frighten the four friends
    ðə rʌf tʌf ˈrʌf.i.ənz meɪk fɪrs ˈfeɪsəz tu ˈfraɪtən ðə fɔr frɛndz
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  • a huge treasure chest on a large Chinese junk
    ə hjuʤ ˈtrɛʒər ʧɛst ɑn ə lɑrʤ ʧaɪˈniz ʤʌŋk
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  • The aged judge urges the jury to be just but generous
    ði eɪʤd ʤʌʤ ˈɜrʤəz ðə ˈʤʊri tu bi ʤʌst bʌt ˈʤɛnərəs
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  • He chucks at the chance of a choice chicken to chew for his lunch.
    hi ʧʌks æt ðə ʧæns ʌv ə ʧɔɪs ˈʧɪkən tu ʧu fɔr hɪz lʌnʧ.
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  • Philip fought while Philippa thought
    ˈfɪləp fɔt waɪl fɪˈlɪpə θɔt
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  • These bathers are breathing through their mouths
    ðiz ˈbeɪðərz ɑr ˈbriðɪŋ θru ðɛr maʊðz
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  • She sees Cecily asleep with a glass of cider and a nice sixpenny ice by her side
    ʃi siz ˈsɛsɪli əˈslip wɪð ə glæs ʌv ˈsaɪdər ænd ə naɪs ˈsɪksˌpɛni aɪs baɪ hɜr saɪd
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  • He feels flies buzzing round his eyes, ears and nose.
    hi filz flaɪz ˈbʌzɪŋ raʊnd hɪz aɪz, ɪrz ænd noʊz.
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  • The atheist has lost faith
    ði ˈeɪθiəst hæz lɔst feɪθ
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  • Mosquitoes are rising. The fishermen are writhing an endless fence across the endless fens a few pens costing a few pence
    məˈskitoʊz ɑr ˈraɪzɪŋ. ðə ˈfɪʃərmɪn ɑr ˈraɪðɪŋ ən ˈɛndləs fɛns əˈkrɔs ði ˈɛndləs fɛnz ə fju pɛnz ˈkɔstɪŋ ə fju pɛns
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  • Sheila has just finished washing this sheet in her washing-machine
    ˈʃilə hæz ʤʌst ˈfɪnɪʃt ˈwɑʃɪŋ ðɪs ʃit ɪn hɜr ˈwɑʃɪŋ-məˈʃin
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  • William is worried about woodworm in the woodwork of his wardrobe
    ˈwɪljəm ɪz ˈwɜrid əˈbaʊt wʊd wɜrm ɪn ðə ˈwʊˌdwɜrk ʌv hɪz ˈwɔrˌdroʊb
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  • Of tough and bough and cough and dough
    ʌv tʌf ænd baʊ ænd kɑf ænd doʊ
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  • On hiccough, thorough, laugh, and through.
    ɑn ˈhɪkəp, ˈθɜroʊ, læf, ænd θru.
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