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Life in the Past

  •  English    10     Public
    Historical Places
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  • This is a pre-Columbian archeological site in southern Mexico and is one of the largest and most important cities of the Classic era of Mesoamerica. What is its name?
    El Tajín
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  • In which country was Taj Mahal built?
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  • When is Machu Picchu believed to have been built?
    In the 1450s.
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  • What is the name of the 9th oldest building in the world? It is in Turkey.
    Van Fortress
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  • Hasankeyf was an ancient town located along the Tigris River and has been flooded as part of a dam project. In which city is it located?
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  • What is the name of the oldest construction of seven wonders of the World?
    Great Pyramid of Giza
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  • What was The Civil Forum of Pompeii City used for?
    It was used for city administration and justice, business management, and trade activities such as markets, as well as the main places of citizen worship.
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  • Why is The Colosseum so famous and special?
    Because it is the largest ancient amphitheatre ever built, and is still the largest standing amphitheatre in the world today.
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  • This historical building was built by Byzantine Emperor Justinian I (527-565). What is its name?
    Basilica Cistern
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  • This is the largest religious monument in the world and is located near the Cambodian city of Siem Riep. What is its name?
    Angkor Wat
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