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A2 30 Correct the prediction

  •  English    12     Public
    correct/translate the prediction
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  • Aries, you defenetely pass your English test
    Aries, you will definitely (!) pass your English test
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  • Taurus, you might to need to revise the irregular verbs :)
    Taurus, you might need to revise the irregular verbs :)
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  • Gemini, you very likely to pass the English test succesfully!
    Gemini, you are very likely to pass the English test successfully!
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  • Cancer, you certainly will go abroad this summer
    Cancer, you will certainly go abroad this summer
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  • Leo, it's possible that you be proud of your results at work
    Leo, it's possible that you WILL be proud of your results at work
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  • Virgo, you certainly won't to buy a Porsche Cayenne this year, but you might buy a Ford :)
    Virgo, you certainly won't to (NO TO) buy a Porsche Cayenne this year, but you might buy a Ford :)
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  • Терези, ви точно отримаєте бонус на роботі у кінці місяця!
    Libra, you will definitely(certainly) get a bonus at work at the end of the month!
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  • Cкорпіони, ваша теща (свекруха) може відвідати вас на наступних вихідних. Приготуйтеся!
    Scorpio, your mother-in-law might/may visit you next weekend, get ready!
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  • Стрільці, ви, можливо, скоро купите багато модного одягу. Не ходіть на шопінг, коли ви голодний!
    Sagittarius, you will probably buy a lot if trendy clothes soon. Don't go shopping when you are hungry!
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  • Козеріг, ви можете випадково зустріти старого друга на цьому тижні
    Capricorns, you may/might run into an old friend this week
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  • Водолії, ви можете закохатися у колегу! Будьте обережні!
    Aquarius, you might\may have a crush on your colleague! Be careful!
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  • Риби, вам точно доведеться пройти тест на початку червня!
    Pices, you will certainly/definitely have to pass a test at the begining of June
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