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  •  English    24     Public
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  • Francis Bacon, who lived at about the same time as Shakespeare, wrote these words, “Some books are to be tasted, others to be .................., and some few to be chewed and ..........”
    swallowed/ digested
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  • This good advice shows how it is ....... to read different types of books in different ways.
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  • For example, you might ....... ...... a travel book and read a few pages before going to sleep.
    pick up
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  • It is enough to ........ ....... it and read bits ......... .......... ............ In a word, this is “tasting”.
    dip into/ here and there
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  • Some stories are for “swallowing”. Imagine that you have found a good story, and, what is even more ............, the time to enjoy it.
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  • You might be on holiday, or on a long train journey. If it is a good book, you might say, “It’s so good I can’t ...... .... ......”
    put it down
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  • But not all stories belong to this class. ............. sometimes describe books as “hard-to-put- down”, or “hard-to-pick-up-again”.
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  • Other books are for reading slowly and carefully. If it is a book on a subject that you are ........... in, you will want to “....... and digest it”.
    interested/ chew
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  • That does not mean reading it too slowly. When you pick up a book for the ............ time, check that it is not too ...........
    first/ difficult
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  • Do not start a book unless you can see from the first few pages that it is one you can ........ read and understand.
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  • Some people think that as more and more people have television in their ..........., fewer and fewer people will buy books to read.
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  • Why read when television can bring you all the ......... and ....... with colour, picture and action?
    information/ stories
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  • But, in fact, television has not ........ reading. Today, more books of every kind are .......... than ever before.
    killed/ sold
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  • Books are still a ...........way to get information and ........, and you can keep a book forever and read it many times.
    cheap / entertainment
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  • Books in the home are a wonderful source of ......... and ..........
    knowledge/ pleasure
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  • If you like books with an exciting story especially ones about crime or spies, read a T........
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