Game Preview

Good Sport or Bad Sport

  •  English    13     Public
    Good Sport or Bad Sport
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • I run to the lunch room as fast as I can so I am first in line to get lunch.
    Bad Sport- You should not run in the school building.
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  • I play agame with my friends. I lose, but I say "Good game!" to my friend and ask if they want a rematch.
    Good Sport- He said "Good game!" and suggested another round.
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  • I run as fast as I can when playing soccer and try my hardest.
    Good Sport- Always try your best when competing in a game/sport.
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  • I play a game with a friend. I say "I win! haha! I am the best!"
    Bad Sport- She is being a "sore winner". What could she say instead?
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  • I play a game with a friend. I lose so I am angry and I stomp away.
    Bad Sport- He had a negative reaction to losing. How could he better control his anger next time?
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  • I play a game with a friend. I win and say "Good try! Want to play again?"
    Good Sport- She was a gracious winner and offered to play again.
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  • It's my birthday and Mrs. Gulotta said I can be first in line to go outside. I push everyone else out of the way because I need to be first.
    Bad Sport- He should treat others with respect and use his words not his hands.
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  • I race to finish my work as quickly as I can. It's messy and has mistakes but at least I did it faster than all my classmates.
    Bad Sport- Not everything is a race. It is important to show your best work even if it takes a little bit longer to complete.
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  • I always do my best work. Sometimes others finish their work first and sometimes I finish first. It doesn't matter to me as long as I am trying my best.
    Good Sport- Her focus is to try her best not to finish her work quickly. Classwork is not a race.
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  • My friends and I are playing tag in the schoolyard. Someone tags me and I'm upset because I don't want to be "it". I quit playing the game.
    Bad Sport- You should not quit a game because it is not turning out how you planned. What could you do instead?
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  • My friends and I are playing hide and seek but someone finds me right away. It's okay because it's just a game. I will take my turn as seeker and have fun.
    Good Sport- She accepted being found and didn't quit.Sometimes games don't always go as we plan but that's okay because we play to have fun with our friends.
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  • It's my sister's birthday and she received many presents. No one gave me a present. It's not fair!
    Bad Sport- She should not be upset that her sister is receiving gifts on her birthday. When it's the narrator's birthday, she will receive gifts.
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  • A classmate of mine is talking to the teacher but I have something to say so I move in front of him and start talking over him.
    Bad Sport- She should not have stepped in front of him or spoke over him. It's important to wait for your turn.
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