Game Preview

9lk jossittelua

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  • I would travel to Spain next summer (jos se olisi mahdollista).
    if it was possible
  •  15
  • They (olisivat ostaneet) the car if they had had enough money.
    would have bought
  •  20
  • I (en auta) help unless you ask nicely.
    won't help
  •  15
  • The birds (olisivat voineet lentää) away if we hadn't disturbed them.
    could have flown
  •  25
  • I would have called if I (en olisi hukannut) my phone.
    hadn't lost
  •  20
  • (Olisivatko he menneet) there if it had rained?
    Would they have gone
  •  25
  • Rakastatko vielä minua when I'm old and ugly?
    Will you still love me
  •  15
  • You (ei pitäisi koskaan valehdella) to your spouse.
    should never lie
  •  20
  • He might even lose some weight if he (kävelisi) to school every day.
  •  15
  • If it (ei maksaisi) so much I might consider buying it.
    didn't cost
  •  20
  • If you (olisit) the president, what changes would you make?
  •  15
  • Things (saattaisivat muuttua) for the better.
    might change
  •  15
  • If the dogs (olisivat purreet) me, I would have needed a vaccination.
    had bitten
  •  20
  • I really (ei olisi pitänyt varastaa) that dress.
    shouldn't have stolen
  •  25
  • We (olisimme harjoitelleet) more if they had given us time.
    would have rehearsed
  •  20
  • (Eikö heidän olisi pitänyt oppia) their lesson by now?
    Shouldn't they have learned
  •  25