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    SIGS SSOs and WFA SIGS SSOs cases 4-6
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  • Explain how insulin resistance can lead to the development of hepatic steatosis
    skeletal resistance -> glucose to liver; adipose resistance -> lipolysis = glycerol + Fatty acids -> fats deposited in liver
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  • Explain how hepatocellular oxidative injury can result in hepatic inflammation and necrosis
    Reactive oxygen species produced in mitochondria + ER of hepatocytes via cytochrome P450-> imbalance oxidants/antioxidants=structural & functional abnormality
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  • Identify common comorbidities of NAFLD
    hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome linked with insulin resistance; obesity, dyslipidemia, diabetes
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  • Identify the spectrum of disorders of NAFLD
    NAFD --> NASH --> Fibrosis --> Cirrhosis
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  • Elaborate the role of statin in the regulation of intracellular cholesterol synthesis
    Statins inhibit HMG-CoA reductase->reduce cellular cholesterol synthesis->Lower intracellular cholesterol->over-expression of the LDL receptors=lower plasma LDL
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  • Describe the therapeutic benefits and potential adverse effects associated with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors
    Pleiotropic effects: NO synthesis, LDL lower, Inflammatory down; Adverse: myopathy; decrease Coenzyme Q10 -> impair energy in muscles = myalgia
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  • Explain the pathogenesis of dyslipidemia
    Primary: Genetic - over production/defective LDL or over-clearance HDL; Secondary: lifestyle + other factors -high free fatty acids + high VLDL =excessive fats
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  • Describe specific dietary modifications and medicinal foods (soy, green tea, flax, olive oil) for dyslipidemia.
    soy-reduces HMG-CoA reductase; Green Tea Extract and Green Tea-reduces FA gene expression, inhibits HMG-CoA reductase; flax-reduce LDL
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  • Explain the pathogenesis of hepatitis C virus
    human reservoir→transmission by blood, semen, in utero→infects hepatocytes→immune response by CTLs kills infected hepatocytes=acute hepatitis
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  • Explain the rationale for utilizing sofosbuvir-velpatasvir in previously untreated hepatitis C
    Velpatasvir: NS5A inhibitor; Sofosbuvir: NS5B polymerase inhibitor; both work by weakening the activity of proteins needed by hepatitis C
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  • Discuss the Batts-Ludwig grading and staging criteria
    Grade-amount of necroinflammatory activity; Stage-amount of fibrosis
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  • Define shifting dullness, palmar erythema, and asterixis (reference: Alcoholic Cirrhosis Physical Exam)
    shifting dullness: ascites sign, Percuss across abdomen-transition tympany to dull; palmar erythema: red palms from oestradiol; asterixis: negative myoclonus
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  • Describe life-threatening complications from cirrhosis including hepatic encephalopathy (HE), spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP), and esophageal varices (EV)
    HE: toxin build up in blood->brain damage; SBP: infection of ascitic fluid in peritoneum; EV: blood flow to liver blocked->enlarged esophageal veins
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  • Explain the use of osmotic laxatives (lactulose) to manage hepatic encephalopathy.
    colonic acidifier that works by decreasing the amount of ammonia in the blood (decrease intestinal production/absorption of ammonia) -> less toxin to brain
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  • Describe the immunologic mechanisms resulting in hepatic injury from hepatitis
    immune system–mediated cytotoxicity: (HLA) class I–restricted CD8 CTL's recognize hepatitis B core antigen + e antigen on infected hepatocytes->inflammation
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  • In celiac disease, explain how malabsorption can result in osmotic diarrhea
    damaged villi + mucosa --> Osmotic diarrhea=osmotically active, poorly absorbed solutes in the bowel lumen->inhibit normal water + electrolyte absorption
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