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    Sparta to the Battle of Leuctra 371BC
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  • What is the area that Sparta is located in known as?
    Lacedaemonia (Lakonia and Messene
  •  25
  • Name the two rivers that supplied fresh water to Sparta.
    Eurotas and Pamisos Rivers
  •  20
  • Name the three mountain ranges that form a natural defensive barrier around Sparta.
    Taygetus, Parnon and Arcadian
  •  15
  • Name the town and natural harbour that Spartans used.
  •  5
  • What was the important temple and site of the cult of Apollo called?
    Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia
  •  20
  • Name of the Spartan education system?
  •  5
  • Which ancient source admired Sparta?
  •  10
  • Name of legendary law giver?
  •  5
  • What were spoken directions about how Sparta should be organised called?
    Great Rhetra
  •  10
  • Who supposedly gave Lycurgus directions for laws to run Sparta?
    Oracle of Delphi
  •  20
  • How many kings did Sparta have?
    Two (2)
  •  15
  • What was the Ephorate made up of?
    Five (5) magistrates elected by citizens. They had to be over 30 years old.
  •  25
  • The council of elder noblemen (28 citizens of noble birth + the two kings - name?
  •  20
  • The kings had two priesthoods - Zeus?
    Zeus Lacedemonios and Zeus Uranios
  •  20
  • What was the name of communal messes where Spartiates had common meals?
  •  10
  • What was a kleros?
    A plot of land
  •  15