Game Preview

Complete the sentences.

  •  English    19     Public
    The first letter of the word is given. Market Leader Pre-intermediate.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • China´s gross d............... product is about $5 trillion
  •  15
  • He decided on his career p....... when he was in his first year of university, and amazingly, he followed it until he retired.
  •  15
  • She hopes to make a l.............. doing freelance consulting.
  •  20
  • My company has a training programme which offers c............... o............. to students who have just graduated from university.
    career opportunities
  •  20
  • Helena was very happy with the b............. she got last year. Some extra money always makes people satisfied.
  •  20
  • If you want to climb c....... l....... you have to be prepared to work very hard.
    career ladder
  •  15
  • Jim was very pleased when he earned his first c..................... He´s a very good sales assistant and he sold way more than his colleagues.
  •  20
  • I worked until 11 last night to meet the d.......... for presenting the report.
  •  20
  • I work six days a week and I never have a holiday. My girlfriend says I´m a w.......
  •  15
  • Karl has a heavy w.............. at the moment since some of his colleagues are off sick.
  •  20
  • The amount of money a company receives from sales in a particular period is called a t..................
  •  15
  • The percentage of sales a company has on a particular market is its m.......... s..........
    market share
  •  20
  • The main building or a location of a particular organisation is its h.......... o........... / h................ .
    head office / headquarters
  •  25
  • Another name for a "producer" is a m..............
  •  20
  • Suppliers often sell large quantities of goods to w..............., who do not usually sell directly to customers.
  •  20
  • We offer a d............... to customers who buy in bulk.
  •  15