Game Preview


  •  English    20     Public
    What is light?
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • A major source of light on earth
  •  5
  • The wavelengths of light we can see
    Visible Light
  •  15
  • Light is made up of bundles of energy called
  •  10
  • Where to light waves travel the fastest?
    Empty Space
  •  20
  • How fast can light waves travel?
    300,000 kilometers per second
  •  15
  • Name the colors in the visible spectrum IN ORDER
    Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
  •  25
  • a piece of glass or plastic shaped like a triangle that can separate white light into the colors of the visible spectrum
  •  15
  • What is happening when light is reflected?
    Light waves are bouncing back off of a surface
  •  20
  • Name the three main types of mirrors
    Plane, Concave, and Convex
  •  20
  • Light waves that come together in front of a mirror
    Focal Point
  •  10
  • What type of mirrors are usually found in cars/ vehicles?
  •  10
  • Bending of light waves is called
  •  5
  • Do light waves travel slower through water or air?
  •  10
  • Name two instances where lenses are used in real life
    Glasses, magnifying glasses, microscopes, telescopes
  •  15
  • Back part of the human eye where images are typically formed
  •  15
  • People who can see images far away are:
  •  20