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Early Republic/Age of Jackson

  •  English    22     Public
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  • This foreign policy law closed all American ports to exports/imports which ineffectively damaged the U.S economy.
    Embargo Act
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  • Time period after the War of 1812 which lead to an increase in patriotism, U.S manufacturing and continued expansion westward.
    Era of good feelings
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  • John Adams created these laws that targeted immigrants and censored individuals who criticized the government
    Alien and Sedition Acts
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  • Washington's foreign policy that stated that the U.S could not take sides with any European country at war.
    Proclamation of Neutrality
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  • Which foreign policy announced to European Hemisphere that the Americas were not to be further colonized? *James Monroe
    Monroe Doctrine
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  • What expedition in 1804 did Americans find a route to the Pacific Ocean, make relations with Native Americans and created new maps of the west?
    Lewis and Clarke Expedition
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  • Who was the Native American woman who helped Lewis and Clarke on their expedition west to the Pacific Ocean?
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  • This purchase gave the U.S. control of the Mississippi River and the port city of New Orleans and doubled the size of the U.S
    Louisiana Purchase
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  • Who was the President that purchased the Louisiana Territory in 1803 from France?
    Thomas Jefferson
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  • The ____________________ Rebellion in Pennsylvania over the tax on whiskey showed Washington’s strength and the U.S governments’ power.
    Whiskey Rebellion
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  • In what famous letter did Washington urge America not to get involved in Political Parties, engage in foreign wars or get involved in debt?
    Washington's Farewell Address
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  • 1830 law that removed and relocated the 5 civilized tribes west across the Mississippi River
    Indian Removal Act
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  • Forced removal of the Cherokee Tribe from Georgia to Oklahoma
    Trail of Tears
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  • Political Party led by Alexander Hamilton in favor of a strong federal government, manufacturing economy, protective tariffs and a national bank
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  • Politcal Party led by Thomas Jefferson in favor of strong state government, agricultural economy, no tariffs and state banks
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  • True or False Dred Scott V. Sandford was a U.S Supreme Court case that recognized the judicial branches power to have Judicial Review
    False: Marbury V. Madison 
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