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SE Asia History Unit Review

  •  English    17     Public
    SS7H3-Japan, India, China, Korea, Vietnam
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is the Domino Theory?
    If one country falls to Communism, all the countries around them will too
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  • How was the Korean Peninsula divided after WWII?
    38th parallel, North: Communist, South: Democratic
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  • What specific event caused the Korean War to start?
    The North invaded the South in 1950
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  • How did the Korean War end?
    A stalemate (a tie) and the border remained the same
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  • Why did the U.S. fight in both the Korean and Vietnam wars?
    To contain the spread of Communism, domino theory
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  • What happened on December 7, 1941?
    The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, U.S. entered WWII
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  • What led to the end of WWII in the Pacific?
    Dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
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  • Who was Mohandas Gandhi?
    Peaceful protest leader that helped India get their independence from the British
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  • Who was the first Communist leader in China?
    Mao Zedong
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  • What was the Great Leap Forward?
    Mao Zedong's plan to modernize China and make China competitive with the rest of the world
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  • Why did the Cultural Revolution happen?
    Because people lost faith in Mao after the disaster of the Great Leap Forward and he had to get rid of the people that wanted him gone
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  • Who were the Red Guard?
    Young people that protected Mao during the Cultural Revolution, they could arrest, attack, or kill anyone that was against him
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  • What did all Chinese people have to carry with them during the Cultural Revolution?
    The Little Red Book
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  • What happened first: G.L.F., C.R.. or TIananmen Square?
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  • What did the protestors in Tiananmen Square want?
    A democratic government, more rights and freedoms
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  • What happened on June 4, 1989 in China?
    To stop the protests, the Chinese government sent in soldiers with guns and tanks-thousands were injured or killed
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