Game Preview


  •  English    8     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The name of the song you’ve listened to more than 20 times this week / Nomme la chanson que tu as écouté plus de 20 fois cette semaine 
    The name of the song you’ve listened to more than 20 times
  •  15
  • If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you choose to be and why? /Si tu te réveillais demain en animal, quel animal serais-tu? Pourquoi? 
    what animal would you choose to be and why?
  •  15
  • What Is The Scariest Thing You Have Ever Done For Fun? /Quelle est la chose la plus effrayante que tu es fait pour le fun?
    Scariest thing ever!
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  • What’s number one complaint you parents or close friends have about you? / De quoi tes parents et tes amis se plaignent le plus de toi?
    What’s number one complaint you parents or close friends have about you?
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  • If You Had To Be Handcuffed To One Person For An Entire Month, Who Would It Be?/ Si tu devais être menotté à une personne pendant 1 mois, qui ça serait et pourquoi?
    If You Had To Be Handcuffed To One Person For An Entire Month, Who Would It Be?
  •  15
  • If you could be in the movie of your choice, what movie would you choose and what character would you play? / Si tu pouvais être dans le film de ton choix, quel film choisirais-tu et quel personnage jouerais tu?
    If you could be in the movie of your choice, what movie would you choose and what character would you play?
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  • If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why? / Si tu pouvais rencontrer n'importe quel personnage historique, qui ça serait et pourquoi?
    If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why?
  •  15
  • Did you ever fake illness to get out of school or another event? / As-tu déjà fait semblant d'être malade pour ne pas aller à l'école et aller à un autre endroit?
    Did you ever fake illness to get out of school or another event?
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