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behar bechukosai

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    parsha sedra Y6 Bnos Beis Yaakov London
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  • How often is שמיטה?
    Every seventh year.
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  • What is the farmer not allowed to do in שמיטה?
    Not to sow or harvest the land.
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  • What lesson can we learn from the fact that the land was allowed to rest for one year?
    That all the land really belongs to Hashem.
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  • What does the farmer do instead?
    He now has the opportunity to learn Torah.
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  • What happens to any fruits that grow during שמיטה?
    It is declared "ownerless" and everyone may come and take of the produce.
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  • What amazing brochoh will be the farmer's reward for keeping שמיטה?
    The crop of the sixth year is guaranteed to last from ניסן of the sixth year until סוכות of the ninth year. ALMOST THREE YEARS!
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  • What are the other בְּרָכוֹת for learning תּוֹרָה and doing מִצְווֹת in addition to the בֵּית הַמִקְדָשׁ will stand and the שְׁכִינָה of ה' will rest upon בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל?
    Rain will come at the proper time without any inconvenience. Abundant harvest. Peace and safety in the land
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  • What laws apply during the year of שמיטה
    no working the land, loans cancelled. Jewish slaves go free.
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  • what extra laws apply during יובל?
    Property reverts back to original owner .Slaves whose ear was pierced go home.
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  • when one sells a house in a walled city ,how long does he have to redeem it?
    one year.
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  • what happens if a seller of a house in a walled city does not redeem the house within one year?
    the buyer can keep it forever.
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  • what is מעשר בהמה?
    the tenth sheep or cow brought to ירושלים The owner eats the meat and the blood goes on the מזבח.
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  • why did Hashem make us choose the tenth animal after counting nine first . why not divide the total number of ones animals by ten?
    R.Eliezer Gordon explained Hashem wants to make it easier to give צדקה.This way one appreciates Hashem gave him 9 so he happily gives Him the tenth.
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  • When do the הלכוֹת of יוֹבל begin?
    on Yom Kippur of the 50th year
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  • In shull on Shabbos morning, what does the בעל קורא (the man who leins from ספר תורה) read clearly but quietly when reading from בחוקותי?
    The קללות
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  • The תורה promises that when we keep the mitzvos “Then I will give you rain in its right time”. When is it the correct time?
    On Friday night, when people are home.
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