Game Preview


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  •  English    12     Public
    9th grade Biology
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Name a flying mammal
    Bat or Flying squirrel
  •  5
  • Name the five main classes of vertebrates
    Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals
  •  10
  • This animal belongs to which class?
  •  15
  • What special adaptation does this animal have to allow them to eat larger prey?
    Jaw and teeth
  •  25
  • Amphibians can live in both __________ and on ______________.
    water, land
  •  20
  • True or False: Amphibians breathe through their skin
  •  5
  • True or False: Mammals are Ectotherms. They regulate their body temperature depending on external sources to keep them warm or cool. (Give answer and explain why)
    False: Mammals are endotherms and they keep their body temperature warm by keeping their metabolic rate high.
  •  20
  • What is the difference between the flight feather and the down feather?
    Flight feathers are stiff, light-weight and better for providing air resistance for flight. Down feathers are fluffier and better for trapping air for warmth.
  •  25
  • List the four characteristics that all vertebrates have in common
    Notochord, pharyngeal slits, post-anal tail, dorsal hollow nerve cord
  •  25
  • Frogs and toads have legs specialized for ____________.
  •  10
  • What is courtship?
    a behavior that is intended to attract a mate.
  •  20
  • True or false: Snakes have scales (state answer and reason)
    True because snakes are reptiles and reptiles have scales.
  •  10