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Outsiders Review Game

  •  English    25     Public
    The Outsiders
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • At the drive-in, it is ________________ who starts bothering the two Soc girls.
  •  15
  • Cherry and Marcia had no way to get home that night because ___________________.
    Their dates had brought alcohol, so the girls left them
  •  20
  • What emotion does Ponyboy feel whenever he talks about Soda dropping out of school?
  •  10
  • Early in the story, Ponyboy feels that Darry is _______________.
    hard and cold
  •  15
  • Who do Johnny and Ponyboy go to for help after the murder?
  •  10
  • Greasers feel that their ____________ is/are their trademark.
  •  15
  • What did Johnny request while at the hospital?
    "Gone With The Wind"
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  • Ponyboy felt that the only reason for fighting is __________.
    Self defense
  •  25
  • Why wouldn’t Cherry visit Johnny at the hospital?
    Johnny had killed her boyfriend.
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  • Why were the Curtis boys living on their own?
    heir parents died in a car accident
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  • Why did Johnny carry a switch blade?
    He was afraid he would be jumped
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  • As Ponyboy and Johnny walk with the girls home from the movies they run into angry Socs. Why were the Socs angry with them?
    The Greasers picked up their girls
  •  20
  • What point of view is The Outsides written in?
    First Person
  •  15
  • How did Bob get stabbed?
    Johnny was trying to save Ponyboy
  •  10
  • What did Dally give to Ponyboy and Johnny before they went to Windrixville?
    gun and money
  •  15
  • Johnny sees Dally as gallant like the southern gentlemen in …..
    Gone With The Wind
  •  15