Game Preview

Outcomes_Iva revision

  •  English    12     Public
    Unit 11
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What animal is in the picture? Is it an amphibian?
    pidgeon, bird
  •  15
  • Might you hear a flock of crows making a dreadful noise?
  •  15
  • React to this: I was about to put my shoes on, when I found a scorpion hiding there!
    What was that doing there? / Seriously?/ What?
  •  15
  • Translate: Išla som do kúpeľne, a tam bol had syčiaci na mňa.
    I went to the bathroom, and there was a snake hissing at me.
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  • Translate: Viac ako 16,000 druhov zvierat je v súčastnosti ohrozených vyhynutím.
    More than 16,000 animal species are currently threatened with extinction.
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  • What can you feed animals on?
    tinned food/ leftovers/ mice/ dry food
  •  15
  • What is the woman doing?
    She´s stroking the dog.
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  • What´s in the picture? What is it for?
    litter tray
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  • Translate: Ich študenti prišli domov neskoro. Oni museli byť skúšaní dlho.
    Their students came home late. They must have been examined for a long time.
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  • Translate: Sarah je v jej práci príliš pomalá. Práca nemala byť ponúknutá jej.
    Sarah is too slow at work. The job shoudn´t have been offered her.
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  • What are sunny spells?
    refers to the weather. it means it is going to be bright and sunny all day, with few clouds in the sky
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  • Včerajší požiar mohol byť spôsobený bleskom.
    Last night’s fire might have been caused by lightning.
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