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Cleft Sentences Practice

  •  English    8     Public
    Rephrase the sentences to emphasize the underlined phrases.
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  • FOR OVER 50 YEARS the Pirelly calendar HAS SHOT a countless number of women considered to be sexy. WHAT...
    What the Pirelly calendar has done for over 50 years is shoot a countless number of women considered to be sexy.
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  • THE CALENDAR is designed to show gorgeous women posing in positions that look like classic pin-up girls. IT...
    It is the calendar that is designed to show gorgeous women posing in positions that look like classic pin-up girls.
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  • The calendar sells many copies annually and is designed to MAKE BUYERS KEEP LOOKING at the enticing and sexy images of the female models. WHAT...
    What the calendar is designed to do is to make buyers keep looking at the enticing and sexy images of the female models.
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  • The idea of sexy female models taking their clothes off to sell products is not a new idea. In fact, it is a rather outdated approach to THE “SEX SELLS” MARKETING TACTIC. IT...
    It is the “Sex sells” marketing tactic that is rather outdated.
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  • She decided to SHAKE THINGS UP for the 2016 calendar. WHAT ...
    What she decided to do was to shake things up for the 2016 calendar.
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  • Instead of taking shots of traditionally sexy women, LEIBOVITZ DECIDED TO PHOTOGRAPH women who are attractive for possessing attainable traits that real women have. THE ONLY THING ...
    The only thing she decided to do was to photograph women who are attractive for possessing attainable traits that real women have.
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  • This year's models are not perfectly skinny. They have BUMPS AND LUMPS in places deemed “unattractive” by many. IT...
    It is bumps and lumps that they have in many places.
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  • LEIBOVITZ DITCHED THE PERFECTLY HARD BODIES of professional actresses in order to shoot real women who are known for their brains, skills, humor, or noble actions. WHAT ...
    What Leibovitz did was ditch the perfectly hard bodies of professional actresses. / What Leibovitz ditched was the perfectly hard bodies of professional actress
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