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life processes

  •  English    14     Public
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  • stored food material in plant and animal is
    starch glycogen respectively
  •  15
  • another name of enzymes
    bio catalyst
  •  15
  • three events of photosynthesis
    absorption of light energy, conversion of light energy, splitting of water, reduction of co2
  •  15
  • criteria to decide whether something is alive or not
  •  15
  • give one example each of plant and animal parasite
    cuscuta, tapeworm
  •  15
  • name one unicellular organism in which food is taken from a specific spot
  •  15
  • why will KOH absorbs CO2
    neautralization rks
  •  15
  • what type of reactions are involved in respiration
    oxidising reducing rks
  •  15
  • name the heart chamber with thickest wall
  •  15
  • mention the parts of nephron
    glomerulus, bowmans capsule, loop of henle, collecting duct
  •  15
  • list two functions of kidney
    filteration of blood, osmoregulation
  •  15
  • value of systole pressure
    12mmm of hg
  •  15
  • name the outer covering of lung and heart
    pleura, pericardium
  •  25
  • two theory for transport of water in plants
    root pressure, transpirational pull
  •  15