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End of April 2021 Review

  •  English    22     Public
    Review of April 2021
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Which of the following animal sleeps the least? A) Giraffe B) Dolphin C) Ducks D) Seals
    A) Giraffe
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  • Which of the following animal does not sleep with half its brain? A) Dolphins B) Horses C) Ducks
    B) Horses
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  • In the story called Blizzards, the "Great White Hurricane" occurred in what year? A) 1789 B) 1888 C) 1898 D) 1998
    B) 1888
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  • In blizzards, winds blow at speeds of _____ miles per hour. A) 25 B) 30 C) 35 D) 40
    C) 35
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  • What type of storm is known for their strong winds and biting cold? A) Wind Chill B) Blizzards C) Alberta Clipper D) Hurricane
    C) Alberta Clippers
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  • What do roses have on their stems as defense? A) Thorns B) Spines C) Spikes D) Prickles
    D) Prickles
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  • What does cactus use to defend itself? A) Spikes B) Thorns C) Spines D) Prickles
    C) Spines
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  • Nightshade, a type of plant, uses what defense mechanism? A) Camaflouge B) Poison C) Spikes D) Movement
    B) Poison
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  • What type of plants do thorns usually grow on?
    Trees or large shrubs
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  • What is the first step of the water cycle?
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  • What is it called when water changes from gas to a liquid state?
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  • What is it called when water falls to the ground, such as hail, sleet, rain, or snow?
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  • Which animal in the reading sleeps the most? A) Sloth B) Little black bats C) Little brown bats D) Iguanas
    C) Little brown bats
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  • Which part of the United States where there is a greater chance of a blizzard occuring? A) West Coast B) North C) South D) East Coast
    D) East Coast
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  • When blowing snow fills the air and makes it difficult to see anything around is called a __________. A) Blackout B) Whiteout C) Blizzard D) Blanket
    B) Whiteout
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  • What number is the following roman numeral? CCCXII
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