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Lesson 3 reading

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    Lesson 3 reading
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  • contain / our bodies/ a diet / keeps / healthy /a variety of foods(다양한 음식을 포함하는 식단이 우리의 몸을 건강하게 유지시킨다.) 변형 필수!!!
    A diet containing a variety of foods keeps our bodies healthy.
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  • A뿐만 아니라, B또한 (2가지 숙어)
    not only A but also B / B as well as A
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  • Each of these foods not only look like a certain body part but are also good for that body part.(틀린 곳?)
    Each of these foods not only [[looks]] like a certain body part but [[is]] also good for that body part.
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  • -하게 보이다, -처럼 보이다 (두가지)
    look + 형용사 / look like + 명사
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  • Peter is not only rude, but also mean.(해석/ 다른 표현으로 바꾸기)
    피터는 무례할 뿐 아니라 못됐다. Peter is mean as well as rude.
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  • You will see that they look like similar. (해석 / 틀린 곳?)
    너는 그것들이 비슷하다는 것을 보게 될 것이다. You will see that they [[look similar.]]
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  • Chemicals that make tomatoes red are good for your heart and blood. (해석 / 틀린곳?)
    토마토를 만드는 화학물질은 심장과 피에 좋다. 틀린곳 없음.
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  • In addition, eating tomatoes can lower your risk of heart disease. (해석 / 틀린 곳?)
    게다가, 토마토 먹는 것은 심장병 위험을 낮출 수 있다.(틀린 곳 없음)
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  • 뭔가 눈치챘니?
    Do(Did) you notice anything?
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  • it’s very similar at the shape of the human brain! (틀린 곳?)
    it’s very similar [[to]] the shape of the human brain!
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  • A walnut divided into two parts, just like the brain. (해석 / 틀린 곳?)
    호두는 두 부분으로 나뉜다, 딱 두뇌처럼. A walnut [[is]] divided into two parts, just like the brain.
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  • help / stay / that / studies /healthy and active / walnuts / show / our brains (연구결과는 호두가 우리의 뇌를 건강하고 활발하게 유지시키도록 돕는다는 것을 보여준다.)
    Studies show that walnuts help our brains stay healthy and active.
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  • Vitamin A helps your eyes process light and sends a clear image to the brain. (틀린 곳?)
    It helps your eyes process light and [[send]] a clear image to the brain.
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  • Cutting onions are not fun because it makes you to cry. (틀린 곳?)
    Cutting onions [[is]] not fun because it makes you [[cry]].
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  • 생강으로 넘어가 보자.
    Let’s move on to ginger.
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  • A special chemical prevents you from feel sick and throw up. (틀린 곳?)
    A special chemical prevents you from [[feeling]] sick and [[throwing]] up.
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