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Rhetoric and Fallacy

  •  English    15     Public
    Rhetoric and logical fallacies.
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is ethos?
    Appealing to your audience by convincing them of you/your topic's moral character.
  •  10
  • What is logos?
    Appealing to your audience with logic.
  •  15
  • What is pathos?
    Appealing to your audience with emotion.
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  • What is the emotional appeal/scare tactics logical fallacy?
    When a speaker uses emotional language, emotions, or emotional images to get the audience to sympathize with them or become scared.
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  • What is the non sequitur logical fallacy?
    A statement given that doesn't come logically from the previous events.
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  • What is the post hoc fallacy?
    Assuming that an event was caused by a prior event.
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  • What is the red herring fallacy?
    A point made that is meant to be misleading or distracting.
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  • What is the stacking the deck fallacy?
    When evidence against a supporting argument is ignored.
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  • What is the slippery slope fallacy?
    A conclusion based on the premise that one small step will lead to a chain of events.
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  • What is the strawman fallacy?
    When someone takes an argument and misrepresents it so it’s easy to attack .
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  • What is the ad hominem fallacy?
    An attack on a person’s character to disprove their argument.
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  • What is the bandwagon fallacy?
    Presents the thoughts of a group to persuade someone to think the same way- peer pressure.
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  • What is the hasty generalization fallacy?
    When someone makes a sweeping statement without considering all the facts.
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  • What is the circular reasoning fallacy?
    When the argument is restated rather than proven.
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  • What is the false dichotomy fallacy?
    When two points of view are presented as the only options when there are others.
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