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Toolbox Review 2.0

  •  English    15     Public
    Let's see how well we know ALL of our Tools!
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Gratitude Challenge: How many reasons can you think of to be thankful for homework?
  •  15
  • Gratitude Challenge: how many reasons can you think to be thankful for spiders?
    Nice Spidey Sense.
  •  15
  • What is your Garbage Can Tool for?
    Throw the Little Things Away!
  •  15
  • Taking Time Tool: What is one way you calm down when you are upset?
    Very Chill.
  •  15
  • Pretend you accidently broke your brother's toy. What would a REAL apology look like?
    I forgive you!
  •  15
  • Pretend you hurt your friend's feelings. What would a BAD apology look like?
    I don't forgive you!
  •  15
  • Is Personal Space ONLY important because of Covid?
    nope nope nope.
  •  15
  • Show us how you can let someone know when they are in your personal space.
    Oops, my bad!
  •  15
  • Breathing Tool: Lead us in one of your favorite breathing exercises.
    You AvacaDID it.
  •  15
  • Empathy Tool: What is Empathy?
    Putting yourself in someone else's shoes.
  •  15
  • Close your eyes and imagine your Quiet/Safe Place. Where did you go in your mind?
  •  15
  • Listening Tool: Show what it looks like to listen with eyes, ears, and heart.
    Thanks for listening!
  •  15
  • Courage Tool Challenge: Act out something you like to do on sunny, warm days.
    let's do that.
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  • Use Your Words Tool: Give someone in your life a shout out right now!
    No, you're the best.
  •  15
  • Is there a Tool that has helped you the most recently?
  •  15