Game Preview


  •  Sundanese    27     Public
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  • Don't _____ - you'll do better next time. * loose heart / give up / stay motivated *
    loose heart
  •  5
  • Our taxi was late picking us up, so I'm going to have to _____ for the train when we get to the station! * take the next step / work toward a goal / make the break *
    make the break
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  • When you want to _____ in your life, you can only start by stepping up. * lose heart / make a change / make a decision *
    make a change
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  • I spent the weekend at the library, _____. * putting my plan into action / making decision / losing heart *
    putting my plan into action
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  • You always _____ higher than the year before. * set your goals / make a decision / put a plan into action *
    set your goals
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  • _____, which is something you want to do in the near future, is something you want to accomplish soon. * staying motivated / a short-term goal / turning a dream into reality *
    A short-term goal
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  • ______, which require time and planning, is something you want to do further in the future. It usually takes 12 months or more to achieve. * taking the next step / working toward a goal / a long-term goal *
    A long-term goal
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  • He _____ by love, and expected nothing in return. * lost heart / stayed motivated / made a decision *
    stayed motivated
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  • "It's been tough to leave the county that has given me my start in pro cricket, but it's time to _____ forward," Thakor said. * take the next step / take time / take it easy *
    take the next step
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  • Your emotional states and beliefs play a key role in _____. * staying motivated / working toward a goal / turning dreams into reality *
    turning dreams into reality
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  • I don't want to put pressure on you to _____, but we haven't had much time left. * set goals / make a decision / stay motivated *
    make a decision
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  • I enrolled in college last year and I am _____ a degree in medicine. * staying motivated / taking the next step / working toward *
    working toward
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  • He couldn't _____ an appropriate answer at that time. * come up with / deal with / cause *
    come up with
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  • This chapter will attempt to _____ some of the possibilities for the teaching of information skills in the primary school curriculum. * deal with / analyse / solve *
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  • They managed to _____ a date for the wedding. * deal with / agree on / analyse *
    agree on
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  • We were asked to _____ ideas for improving efficiency. * suggest / cause / solve *
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