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Achareimois - Kedoishim

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    Q&A for Year 6 Bnos Beis Yaakov London
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  • Why does the תורה emphasize that פרשת אחרי מות  was taught after the death of אהרון‘s sons?( Rashi's moshol)
    To strengthen the warning not to enter the קדש הקדשים except on יום כפור.
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  • What is the קדש הקדשים?
    The Holy of Holies of the בית המקדש/משכן -- the place where the ארון was kept.
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  • When is the כהן גדול permitted to enter the קדש הקדשים?
    יום כפור.
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  • How many בגדים did אהרון wear when he entered the קדש הקדשים?
    Only the four linen garments worn by an ordinary כהן.
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  • Who performed the entire עבודת יום הכפורים?
    The כהן גדול
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  • What did the כהן גדול do on Yom Kippur before and after he changed his בגדים?
    He washed his hands and feet from the כיור,a total of ten times.
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  • How many times did the כהן גדול change his clothing and immerse in the מקוה on יום כפור?
    Five times.
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  • The כהן גדול offered a bull חטאת to atone for himself and his household. Who paid for it?
    The כהן גדול.
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  • Who is included in the “household” of the כהן גדול?
    All of the כהנים.
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  • What are the three steps of תשובה?
    1) חרטה- Feeling sorry you sinned. 2) וודוי- Mentioning the sin to Hashem. 3)עזיבת החטא - resolving to not repeat the sin.
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  • Which five things are you forbidden to do on יום כפור?
    Eat, drink, wear leather shoes, anoint body with oils, wash and do work.
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  • Who is solely responsible for attaining atonement for the בני ישראל on יום כפור?
    The כהן גדול.
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  • What is the difference between a חוק and a משפט?
    חוק- We don’t understand the reason. משפט- We understand the reason.
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  • What does the תורה mean when it says קְדשִׁ֣ים תִּֽהְי֑וּ (You shall be holy) according to רש''י?
    It means separate. We separate ourselves from עַבֵירוֹת
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  • What does the תורה mean when it says קְדשִׁ֣ים תִּֽהְי֑וּ (You shall be holy) according to רמב''ן?
    רמב''ן explains that the תורה is conveying a מצוה of moderation even in permissible things eg not to be a glutton even of kosher food
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  • We are commanded to fear our parents. How do we show fear of our parents?
    We don’t sit in their seats. We don’t call them by their first name. We never say that they are wrong…]
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