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Chapter 11 - The Age of Jackson

  •  English    46     Public
    Andrew Jackson's Presidency
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is a slogan?
    a catchy phrase meant to attract and keep attention
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  • What are voting rights?
    the laws that tell who can vote and when; the civil right to vote
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  • What is Jacksonian Democracy?
    a political movement that celebrated the common man and defended the will of the people, named for President Andrew Jackson
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  • What is the spoils system?
    the practice of rewarding political backers with government jobs
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  • What does agrarian mean?
    related to agriculture or farming
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  • What was the Tariff of Abominations?
    the term used by southerners to refer to the Tariff of 1828 because it stirred feelings of disgust and hatred
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  • What was the doctrine of nullification?
    a doctrine that said a state could nullify, or reject, a federal law they feel is unconstitutional, held by some southern politician before the Civil War
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  • What is secession?
    the act of formally withdrawing from an organization, a nation, or any other group in order to be independent
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  • What is treason?
    the crime of aiding the enemy of one’s nation or plotting to overthrow one’s nation; being disloyal to one’s nation
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  • What is inflation?
    a decrease in the value of money that causes an increase in the price of goods and services
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  • What does veto mean?
    to formally reject a decision or proposal made by a legislature
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  • What was the Panic of 1837?
    the widespread fear of a failing economy that caused the beginning of a U.S. economic recession that lasted until 1840
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  • What is a depression?
    a period of slow economic activity when many people are without work
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  • Who was the Whig Party?
    a political party formed to oppose the policies of Andrew Jackson, who the party believed had exceeded his power as president
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  • What was a major difference between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams?
    Jackson represented western farmers, and Adams represented eastern businessmen.
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  • How did the 1828 election differ from prior elections?
    Candidates built excitement through slogans, speeches, and parades.
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