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Review of Perek 49 Part 2

  •  Hebrew (modern)    18     Public
    פרק מט יג-כד
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • יג – where will זבולון be? Why?
    By the seashore. He will do business with the merchandise from the boats.
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  • יג - What does he do with his “business”?
    Support יששכר so they can learn תורה
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  • יד – What is יששכר compared to? Why?
    A strong boned donkey. Carries the yoke of learning תורה like a donkey carries heavy burdens.
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  • יד - What does it mean “resting between the boundaries”?
    Just like a donkey travels day & night without resting much, so too יששכר as he learns תורה.
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  • טו – What does יששכר “bend his back to carry”?
    The yoke of תורה
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  • טו - Why is he called a taxed worker?
    Everyone depends on him to teach them the תורה.
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  • טז – when will דן bring justice to ישראל?
    At the time of שמשון he will take revenge from the פלישתים.
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  • יז – In what way is דן compared to a snake?
    Indirectly attacks the rider. So too שמשון indirectly killed many פלישתים.
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  • יח – Why does יעקב daven for a ישועה?
    Referring to when they poke out שמשון’s eyes and he Davens to ה' to help him.
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  • יט – What does it mean גד marches back on his heels?
    After going to battle, they will all return victorious without missing anyone.
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  • כ – What is יעקב’s ברכה to אשר?
    There will be so much oil in his land, all his food will be very oily.
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  • כא – How is נפתלי compared to a deer & what are “beautiful sayings” (3)?
    1. Fruit will ripen quickly in his land, they will praise ה' for it. 2. They went quickly to fight against סיסרא, sang a song to ה' after 3. Ran back to מצרים t
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  • כב – How is יוסף described?
    Son of favor.
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  • כב - When was a time when יוסף made himself taller?
    To block עשו from seeing רחל
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  • כג – who made יוסף bitter?
    His brothers, and פוטיפר & his wife
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  • כד – what does the bow of יוסף refer to?
    His power
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