Game Preview


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  •  English    20     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • To be
    To be/am,is,are/was,were/been- to exist
  •  15
  • To see
    To see/saw/seen- to look at
  •  15
  • To fly
    To fly/flew/flown- to move in the air
  •  15
  • To stop
    To stop/ped/ped- to pause
  •  15
  • To look
    To look - ed / ed - to see
  •  15
  • To say
    To say/said/said - to speak
  •  15
  • To tell
    To tell/told/told- to pass information
  •  15
  • To think
    To think/thought/thought- to imagine
  •  15
  • To remember
    To remember/ed/ed- to recall
  •  15
  • To close
    To close/d/d- to shut
  •  15
  • To ask
    To ask/ed/ed- to make a question
  •  15
  • To go
    To go/went/gone- to move away
  •  15
  • To eat
    To eat/ate/eaten- to consume food
  •  15
  • To rain
    To rain/ed/ed- to fall water from the sky
  •  15
  • Can
    Can/could/been able to- to have ability or possibility
  •  15
  • To answer
    To answer/ed/ed- to respond
  •  15