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    Trivia Quiz
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  • What caused the Titanic to sink? A) It was bombed B) The Titanic crashed into another ship C) The Titanic hit an iceberg
    C) The Titanic hit an iceberg
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  • There was a total of 2,223 of people aboard the Titanic. How many lifeboats do you think the ship had incase of an emergency? A) 250 Lifeboats B) 64 Lifeboats C) 150 Lifeboats D) 20 Lifeboats
    D) 20 Lifeboats (The Titanic could have carried three times as many)
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  • Each life boat was made to carry 65 people. How many people do you think they had board each lifeboat? A) 28 B) 70 C) 60 D) 38
    A) 28
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  • Before the collision, the Titanic had many warnings. About how many warnings were sent? A) 1 B) 3 C) 6 D) 10
    C) 6
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  • Third Class passengers did not have a lot of money like those in First Class. Third Class passengers had to share bathtubs and had a scheduled time to bathe. How many bathtubs do you think were assigned for Third Class?
    The 708 Third-Class passengers shared 2 bathtubs.
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  • A third-class ticket on Titanic to New York cost $30-$40. How much do you think a third-class ticket would cost today? A) $40 B) $300 C) $80 D) $900+
    D) $900+ (A third-class cabin would likely be occupied by up to four strangers who spoke different languages)
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  • Most of those lost during the Titanic's sinking did not die from drowning but from....
    (Freezing Water, Body Shutting Down) Hypothermia- The water was below freezing close to 28 degrees Fahrenheit.
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  • Out of the 2,223 passengers aboard the Titanic, how many people survived? A) 1,151 B) 700 C) 1,001 D) 987
    B) 700
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  • True or False? The Titanic is based off a true tragedy in 1912.
    True- The Titanic was one of the largest ships in the world.
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  • The ship’s builders claimed that four of the compartments could be flooded without sinking the ship. This led many to believe that the ship was "ELBNISAKNU" Unscramble the word.
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  • True or False? The Titanic had sister ships.
    True- Britannic became a hospital ship, and Olympic became an armed troopship.
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  • True or False? Women and children were a priority and were put into lifeboats. However, some children were taken from their families to be rescued.
    True- Mrs. Leah Aks, an 18 year old mom had her baby taken from her and tossed into a lifeboat while it was lowered.
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  • How many years after the sinking did it take scientists to find the Titanic undersea? A) 27 Years B) 34 Years C) 73 Years D) They Never Found The Ship
    C) 73 Years (It was nearly 2:20 a.m., the exact time the Titanic sunk and more than 1,500 passengers and crew died)
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  • Scientists were able to recover a large piece of the ship. How many years do you think it took them to bring a piece of the Titanic Ship to the surface? A) 4 Years B) 21 Years C) 37 Years D) 66 Years
    A) 4 Years (A piece of the ship was discovered in 1994. After 2 years of planning, they failed. It was successfully brought to the surface in 1998)
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  • True or False? When the Titanic was sinking, there were other ships nearby that could have helped.
    True- The ship they spotted in the distance didn’t answer. One ship did reply and was on it's way... but the Carpathia was 58 miles away.
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  • If you compared the Titanic to the size of a football field, how many football fields long was the Titanic? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
    C) 3 (The Titanic was almost three football fields long and one football field wide & about as tall as a 17-story building)
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