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Mr. T--Essay Process Review

  •  English    25     Public
    Parts of the essay process
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What are the names of the 5 paragraphs in an essay?
    Introduction, body 1, body 2, body 3, conclusion
  •  15
  • What are the three elements of an introduction paragraph?
    Hook, bridge, thesis statement
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  • What is the function of the hook?
    To get the reader's attention
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  • Name 3 of the 4 autorized hook strategies.
    Anecdote, metaphor, shocking fact, humor
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  • True of False: You cannot mention the author, title, characters or any information from a work of literature before the thesis statement.
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  • True or False: The thesis statement should include the three predictors in your final essay.
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  • Name the 4 parts of a body paragraph (not including 5 space indentation).
    Topic sentence, quote (evidence), connecting words, conclusion sentence
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  • Identify the problem with this topic sentence: The Slaves--The slaves are a clear exampe of Bradock Washington's disregard for human life.
    It should NOT have a title (The Slaves--)
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  • Identify the two problems with this citation: "He must be very rich," said John simply. "I'm glad. I like very rich people. The richer a fella is, the better I like him." (Fitzgerald, page 22))
    1. Move final period from inside of quotation marks to after parenthetical citation.
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  • True or False: The conclusion paragraph should mention the author and title again.
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  • What are the two elements of a conclusion paragraph?
    The theme from thesis in different words and the hook from a different perspective.
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  • Identify the punctuation error in this sentence: With Margery Lee’s appearance Sally reassured herself that it was the south where she belonged, it had always been the south.
    You cannot connect two independent clauses only with a comma.
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  • True or False: A complete bibliography in APA format is NOT a requirement at the end of an essay.
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  • Correct the two errors in this statement: An essay should be single space with an extra space between paragraphs.
    An essay should be DOUBLE spaced WITHOUT extra spaces between paragraphs.
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  • Complete this sentence: Writing is. . .
    . . . a continuous process
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  • What does each topic sentence have to directly support?
    The thesis statement
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