Game Preview


  •  English    17     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Jelly fish is a Natural Source of light. True or False
  •  10
  • Moon is a _______ source of light.
    Non - Luminous
  •  10
  • The ______ is the natural luminous object
  •  10
  • We use Measuring tape to measure ______
  •  10
  • ______ helps to measure mass of any object
    weighing machince / Scale
  •  10
  • What is the effect of force while making a dough. Push or Pull
  •  10
  • Give 3 example of Muscular force
    Many Possibilities
  •  15
  • Give 3 examples of friction force
    Many possiblities
  •  15
  • Which of the following will be attracted towards magnet. Aluminum foil, paper, plastic
    Aluminum foil
  •  10
  • What will happen if the South pole of a magnet is placed near North pole of another magnet?
    They will attract towards each other
  •  10
  • Name the force applied by Reena when she kicked a football.
    Muscular force
  •  10
  • Name the type of force that helps the planets to move in their own orbit.
    Gravitational force
  •  10
  • A ball moving on the ground will ______ after sometime due to _____ force
    Stop and Frictional force
  •  10
  • Name the two types of source of light
    Natural and Artificial
  •  10
  • A shadow is formed when ______
    Object is kept between source of light and screen
  •  10
  • We can obtain darkest shadow by ____ object
    Opaque object
  •  10