Game Preview


  •  Italian    19     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • Where did Strega Nona live?
    In Calabria
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  • Why did people go and see Strega Nona?
    Because they had troubles
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  • People said that Strega Nona had a .........
    Magic touch
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  • Why did Strega Nona need some help?
    Because she was getting old.
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  • Where did Strega Nona put up a sign?
    She put up a sign in the town square
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  • Strega Nona made ........ for girls who looked for husbands.
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  • Strega Nona could cure ............... and ...............
    headaches and warts
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  • Who came to see Strega Nona for the job?
    Big Anthony
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  • Strega Nona told Big Anthony to do several "house .........."
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  • There was only ONE thing Big Anthony could not touch. What was it?
    The pasta pot
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  • What did Strega Nona do to tell the Magic pot to finish cooking?
    She blew 3 kisses to the Magic pot.
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  • When Big Anthony told everyone about the Magic pot, did they believe him?
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  • Who was Strega Nona going to visit?
    Her friend Strega Amelia
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  • As soon as Strega Nona left, what did Big Anthony do?
    Big Anthony went inside and made the pasta pot work.
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  • What did Big Anthony tell everyone after he made the pasta pot work?
    He told everybody to bring the plates and forks
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  • When Big Anthony made the pasta pot work, was there enough pasta for everybody?
    Yes! Not only for the town people, the priest and the convent nuns but the pot was never empty.
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