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Unit 4 SIGS cases 7-12

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    Unit 4 SIGS cases 7-12 SSOs/WFA
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  • Describe the effect HIV has on CD4+ T-cells.
    HIV ->CD4 TH17 (activate neutrophils/protect mucoepithelium) is depleted->decrease CD4 T-> decrease TH1->not enough CD8T = infection + no control of infections
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  • Identify the antiviral therapies for HIV and describe their site of action: Dolutegravir, Abacavir, Efavirenz
    abacavir: NRTI-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; dolutegravir: Integrase inhibitor; Efavirenz: NNRTI-Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
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  • Discuss the laboratory tests that guide antiretroviral drug selection: HLA-B5701 & HIV resistance tests
    Haplotype test: assessing the rate of HIV progression; genotype: drug resistance+correct therapy; HLA-B5701 don't use Abacavir drug
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  • use of TMP-SMX to treat Pneumocystis jirovecii; why is it an opportunistic infection in late HIV
    inhibits dihydropteroate synthase+dihydrofolate reductase; PCP lacks ergosterol->antimycotic ineffective; Opportunistic infection in HIV CD4 low=AIDS defining
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  • Explain the pathogenesis of EBV infection and how it relates to Hodgkin Lymphoma
    EBV infects B lymphocytes->proliferate expression viral proteins->EBV-derived LMP-1->NF-kappaB & JAK/STAT->host cell proliferation/inhibit apoptosis by BCL2
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  • Describe the Ann Arbor staging system used in staging Hodgkin lymphomas and the prognostic significance.
    Hodgkin: contiguous lymph spread but NOT Non-Hodgkin; Ann Harbor I-IV (lymph spread increases+organ involved) + A (no b symptoms) B (yes B sympt)->IVB is worst
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  • Describe the significance for PET-CT for the staging of malignancy.
    Evaluate the spread of the cancer; Also see how successful the treatment is for the cancer.
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  • Compare Hodgkin Lymphoma with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
    Hodgkin: immunosuppresion+lymphs above diaphragm+Reed-Sternberg cells; Non-Hodgkin: Chromosomal/Autoimmune+Multiple lymphs+B-cell lineage
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  • Explain the significance of the SPEP M-spike in the evaluation of multiple myeloma
    A dense narrow band that is composed of a single class of immunoglobulins secreted by an abnormally expanded clone of plasma cells
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  • Discuss the indications/drug class of the VRd regimen (bortezomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone) for Multiple Myeloma (MM)
    induction therapy for MM: Bortezomib-antineoplastic; Lenalidomide-immunomodulatory; dexamethasone-low dose gluccoctoricoid used w/ Lenalidomide
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  • Explain the significance of rouleaux, pancytopenia, elevated serum protein, calcium levels, and circulating plasma cells in the presentation of multiple myeloma.
    extensive monoclonal B lymphocyte proliferation->stacks RBCs together; ->overrun bone marrow->anemia; ->osteoclasts increase->hypercalcemia; M-protein spikes
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  • Characterize Taenia solium, including structure, physiology, and epidemiology.
    cestode, pork tapeworm; monoecious, hooklets on scolex, suckers; ingestion cysticerci in infected-undercooked pork; Latin America/Sub-Sahara Africa/India/Asia
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  • Discuss the modes of transmission and life cycle of Taenia solium as they relate to cysticercosis and taeniasis.
    host is man->intermediate pig->man has tapeworm->infects pig->man eats pig w/ mature larva->man ill eating eggs->inactive oncosphere->active oncosphere->cysts
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  • Explain how taeniasis and cysticercosis can be prevented.
    treatment of human cases harboring adult T. solium (to reduce egg transmission); controlled disposal of human feces
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  • Discuss why you do not use albendazole to treat cysticerci (calcified cysts) in a patient with seizures and no cerebral edema
    Do not treat calcified cysts with antihelminith or corticosteroids but treat with antiepileptic to control the seizures
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  • Describe the different forms of leishmaniasis
    cutaneous-skin sores; mucocutaneous-nasal/oral mucosal ulcers; visceral-internal organs affected (spleen/liver/bone marrow)
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