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  •  English    45     Public
    tier 2 vocab
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  • Abate. The soldier was given medicine to abate the pain in his leg after the war was over. He was in intense pain when he went to the hospital.
    become more intense
    become less intense
    remain the same
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  • Abode. After his business trip, the man returned to his humble abode. He was excited to finally be home and sleeping in his own bed.
    large area of open land
    house or home
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  • Abdicate. The two countries went to war because the king would not abdicate the throne. The king refused to allow the to become allies. They felt he was the worst ruler the country had ever seen.
    have success
    fulfill a responsibility
    failure to fulfill responsibility
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  • Abrasive. The abrasive sandpaper was used to make the wood smooth.
    material used for connecting
    material used for painting
    material used for grinding or polishing
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  • Abruptly. The truck abruptly stopped when a small child ran out into the street. The driver did everything he could to avoid hitting the child.
    suddenly or unexpectedly
    over a long period of time
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  • Acrid. The paper mill put off an acrid smell. The people in town stated that it made their eyes water and noses burn.
    strong, unpleasant taste or smell
    pleasant taste or smell
    wanting to taste or smell
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  • Admonish. The students were admonished for their plagiarizing their reports. Th next time they get caught they will be expelled.
    firmly reprimand
    share excitedly
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  • Agitate. The bullies were trying to agitate the little girl by talking about her behind her back. Now she is worried about what they will do to her.
    make someone feel pleased
    make someone feel at ease
    make someone feel nervous or troubled
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  • Allege. The police alleged that Marcus was thr one who committed the crime. However, they couldn't find any proof to charge him with the crime.
    show proof of guilt
    place in jail or protective custody
    make claim without proof
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  • Antagonize. Martha should not have antagonized Sarah. It caused Sarah to become paranoid and Martha was labeled as a bully.
    cause someone to become agitated
    to agitate self
    to make someone feel included
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  • Astute. Carl, an astute student, was constantly called to tutor the students who were failing. The teachers couldn't believe how quickly Carl learned the new material.
    to help others
    unable to understand information
    mentally sharp; understand clearly
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  • Authentic. We know the artwork is authentic, because the author's signature and date are located on the back.
    of unknown origin
    genuine; of known origin
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  • Bamboozle. The con artist tried to bamboozle the banker out of millions of dollars. He tricked the banker into giving him access to several bank accounts.
    deceive or cheat someone
    have a quality of honesty
    give false information
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  • Belligerent. The man became belligerent when he thought no on e was willing to help him. All of the bystanders were scared he would try to start a fight with them.
    unwilling to help
    hostile or aggressive
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  • Bewilder. Calculus has been known to bewilder many students. All of the letters and numbers start to get confusing.
    confuse someone
    give information to someone
    provide insight into something
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  • Blatant. He blatantly defied the principal's order not to leave the school. He walked out of the building while the principal was still talking.
    good behavior done privately
    bad behavior done openly
    bad behavior done provately
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