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Vacation Under the Volcano Chapter 5 - 7

  •  English    10     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What was a stone pool for and where did the water come from?
    The stone pool was for their water and the water came from a hole in the ceiling.
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  • How did people eat in Ancient Rome and how is this different to modern times?
    They lay down on sofas whereas today we sit up on a chair or on the floor.
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  • What did the Romans use as ink and where did they get ink from?
    They used reeds for pens and the ink came from octopuses.
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  • What is different about books today and books in Ancient Roman times?
    Today we use a book which is bound together but in Ancient Roman times they used rolled up paper called scrolls.
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  • When did Mount Versuvius errupt?
    August 24th at noon in A.D. 79
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  • What is different about how we tell the time today to how the Romans told the time?
    Today we have clocks and watches but in the Romans used a sun dial.
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  • Explain why there wasn't any running lava from Mount Vesuvius?
    There was no running lava from Mount Vesuvius because the magma cooled so fast that it froze into small greyish white rocks called pumice.
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  • Explain why the sky went dark when the volcano errupted
    It was getting darker because a thick cloud was spreading over the earth like an umbrella. It was a cloud of pumice and ash.
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  • Describe some of the things Jack and Annie saw and experienced when the volcano errupted.
    They heard rumbling, everything was shaking. Giant cracks split the stone floor. Glowing rocks were bursting through the sky, top of mountain had disappeared
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  • What did Jack and Annie use to protect their heads? Why?
    They used pillows so their heads would not get hurt by falling debris
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