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science 6th grade

  •  English    18     Public
    Lesson 3.1 and 3.2 SG notes
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What is chemistry?
    The study of matter and how matter changes.
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  • List properties to describe matter:
    it as different properties and characteristics to identify and classify it, such as HARD, SOFT ,HOT, COLD, LIQUID, SOLID, OR GAS.
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  • Am I considered matter?
    Yes, and All the stuff around you.
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  • what is matter?
    anything that as mass and takes up space. Air, plastic, metal, wood, glass, paper, and cloth are examples.
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  • What is a substance?
    a Substance is a single kind of matter that is PURE. Meaning, it always has a specific makeup or composition. Like salt or water.
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  • Why is Salt or Water considered pure substance?
    water is always pure because it always stays the same whether it comes from a glacier or geyser. Salt is always pure whether from sea or mine.
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  • How do we describe matter?
    We describe matter by its properties: physical or chemical properties.
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  • What are the physical properties of matter?
    A physical property can be OBSERVED and does not change into another substance.
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  • What are the chemical properties of matter?
    Chemical property is a characteristic of a substance that can be CHANGED into different substances. To observe this, you must try to change it into another sub
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  • What are the 4 elements matter was believed to be made up of. HINT: This was over 2,000 years ago.
    Fire, water, air, earth
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  • TRUE or FALSE: Scientist know that all matter in the universe is made of >100different substances called elements.
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  • A ______ is a substance that can not be broken down by physical or chemical means.
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  • What are the simplest substances and can be identified by its specific property. Like aluminum, tin, helium, oxygen . They are represented by a letter symbol C for carbon, O for oxygen
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  • What is the particle theory of matter?
    The particle theory explains that all matter is made of ATOMS.
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  • What is the basic particle from which all things are made?
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  • What is the charge of an atom? (Positive or Negative)
    an atom has a positively charged center or another name for "center" is the nucleus.
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