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FUTURE SIMPLE - affirmative and negative - FF4  ...

  •  English    23     Public
    Make affirmative and negative sentences in Future Simple tense.
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  • Maybe one day, I ........... ............. ........... ........... . (budem cestovať do vesmíru)
    I will travel to space
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  • I will ................................. in .......................... . (budem cestovať kozmickou loďou)
    I will travel in spaceship.
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  • The space .............. ............... .................. and endless. (bude tmavý a nekonečný)
    will be dark
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  • ...................... ............... .................. beautiful !!! (Hviezdy budú nádherné!)
    Stars will be
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  • .................... .................. ...................... brightly around us. (Hviezdy budú žiariť jasne okolo nás)
    Stars will shine
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  • We ................. ..................... there ............... two months. (Zostaneme tam na dva mesiace)
    We will stay there FOR two months.
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  • I ............... ................. my parents and friends. (Budú mi chýbať rodičia a kamoši)
    I will miss
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  • But I ........................ ....................... my school. (Ale nebude mi chýbať škola.)
    won´t miss = will not miss
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  • We .............. ................... ............. ............... ! (Uvidíme Mesiac!)
    will see the moon
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  • We .................. ................ all the planets. (Neuvidíme všetky planéty)
    won´t see = will not see
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  • ........................ ................... ................... to the Moon. (Kozmonauti budú cestovať na Mesiac.)
    Astronauts will travel to the Moon.
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  • They .................. ....................... to the Sun - it is too ................ and too ...............! (Nebudú cestovať na Slnko - je príliš horúce a príliš ďaleko.).)
    won´t travel = will not travel / too hot and too far
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  • Astronauts ................ .................. special food. (budú jesť)
    will eat
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  • Astronauts .................... ..................... normal food. (nebudú jesť)
    won´t eat = will not eat
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  • Astronauts ............... .................. special .................... . (budú nosiť špeciálne oblečenie)
    will wear special clothes
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  • Astronauts ................ .................... normal ................ . (nebudú nosiť normálne oblečenie)
    won´t wear = will not wear normal clothes
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