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Addition and Subtraction Story Problems within 2 ...

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  •  English    13     Public
    Story problems that relate to plants and trees and how they grow.
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  • Parley, Ady, and Evie planted 7 tomato plants. They planted some cucumber plants too. Now they have 13 plants in their garden. How many cucumber plants did they plant?
    6 cucumber plants
  •  10
  • Bentley and Trinity had 17 tomato plants in their garden. They made salsa with 9 tomatoes. How many tomatoes were left in the garden?
    8 tomato plants
  •  10
  • Nya, Madelyn, and Olivia had lettuce growing in their garden. They made a green salad with 6 lettuce plants. Now there are 4 heads of lettuce left in the garden. How many lettuce plants did they start with in the garden?
    10 heads of lettuce
  •  15
  • Greyson and Anthony ate 9 onions. They still had 3 onions left in their garden. How many onion plants did they plant originally?
    12 onion plants
  •  5
  • Lexi had 16 carrots. She gave 8 carrots to Hazel. How many carrots did Lexi have left?
    8 carrots
  •  10
  • Sadie had 3 peppers. Averie had 3 peppers and Emmerson had 7 peppers. How many peppers did they have all together?
    13 peppers
  •  15
  • Xander had 5 carrots. Kade had 5 onions. Finland had 2 tomatoes. How many veggies did they have all together?
    12 veggies
  •  15
  • Phoenix ate 6 turnips. Ethan ate 9 egg plants. How many veggies did they eat all together?
    15 veggies
  •  5
  • Finlee had 11 heads of broccoli. She gave some broccoli away. Now she has 4 heads of broccoli. How many heads of broccoli did she give away?
    7 heads of broccoli
  •  10
  • Caleb gave some radishes to Parx. Now Caleb has 5 radishes. Caleb had 15 radishes to begin with until Parx ate them. How many did Parx eat?
    10 radishes
  •  20
  • Mrs. Boyack loved ALL vegetables. She gave Finland 4 carrots. She gave Malachi 7 onions. She gave Ady 6 tomatoes. How many veggies did she give away?
    17 veggies
  •  20
  • Bentley, Parx, and Kade planted a garden with 20 egg plants. They ate some of the egg plants. Now they have 10 left. How many did they eat?
    10 egg plants
  •  5
  • Mrs. Boyack planted a garden. She sold 8 corn stalks to Nya and Maddy. She had 6 corn stalks left. How many did she have in her garden at first?
    14 corn stalks
  •  25