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Text Structure Identification

  •  English    18     Public
    Identifying text structures
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • The writing is set up as a starting date and an ending date. Events happen is order.
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  • The writing is set up as steps; first, second, third, etc.
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  • The writing gives the event and then what happened because of the event.
    Cause and Effect
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  • for example, such as, for instance, in addition, also, and specifically are signal words for which text structure
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  • first, second, third, next, finally, before, after, then are signal words for this text structure
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  • because, since, if/then, due to, as a result, for this reason, on account of are signal words for this text structure.
    Cause and Effect
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  • A article detailing important dates of the American Revolution and the progression of the war from beginning to end.
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  • A barn owl typically lives in a barn and eats rodents. This type of owl lays eggs in a large nest and also has the same mate for life.
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  • Albino tiger are becoming extinct because of illegal hunting.
    Cause and Effect
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  • Jack and Jill ran up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.
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  • Eating cereal is easy. First, get out your materials. Next, pour your cereal in the bowl, add milk, and enjoy.
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  • Today it rained. Therefore, the lawn is muddy.
    Cause and Effect
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  • Tara came in first in the election. Samuel came in second, and Eliza came in third.
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  • Folklorists, experts who study stories and legends, argue constantly about the origin of urban legends.
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  • Good Friday is the Friday leading up to Easter Sunday when Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples. It was the first time the Eucharist was had and Jesus also washed the feet of his disciples at this supper.
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  • To properly read an article you first should read for the gist and annotate then go back and reread closer to answer questions. Finally, you should reread to check your answers.
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