Game Preview

Problem Solving

  •  English    16     Public
    Social problem solving
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • You are talking to someone but they are not listening to you.
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  • Your friend asked you to go to a party this weekend. There will not be any adults there.
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  • Your friend has been saying really mean things about another student you are friends with.
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  • When no one was looking, another student pushed you down in the hallway.
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  • One of your classmates has started a rumor about you.
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  • Someone you play video games with online has been calling you names and threatening you.
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  • Your best friend won't talk to you.
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  • Your sister keeps yelling at you when your parents aren't home.
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  • You are at CVS and you notice someone putting something in their bag. They start to leave the store without paying.
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  • You wake up in the middle of the night because the fire alarm is going off.
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  • You want to play Monopoly but your friend wants to play basketball.
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  • Someone keeps texting you things that make you uncomfortable, even after you ask them to stop.
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  • You are at Bennett Park with your friend. They do a big flip with their skateboard and fall down. They hit their head on the ground and cannot stand up.
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  • You slip on something in the cafeteria and fall down. Everyone laughs at you.
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  • You break your mom's favorite coffee mug.
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  • You are home alone and someone knocks on the door. You don't recognize them.
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